De tekst kreeg ik in m'n mail van Jenni Stone, de link die ze meestuurde doet het al de hele ochtend niet. Misschien heeft ze nog last van Mercurius retrograde :-). 

"Dear Ben, thanks for letting me know. You are welcome to use the material.
Yes - gave up my Practical Astrology website - it was so much work. There were many people who visited but I offered to send them the newsletter and the calendar for free and that meant far fewer hours for me.
However within the next month or so will be putting up a website and will then ask you to let your readers know.
Again, thanks for letting me know...Jenni"

The new Moon in Pisces at this time of year, is always about endings - but this one, just one day before the Spring Equinox, is surely a cosmic message that we are ready for closure in some area of our life and ready for new beginnings.

Solar Eclipse helps us to tune into higher levels of understanding but this one interrupts old patterns of thinking and being - and asks questions about what phase of our life is coming to an end and where to put energy so that we can live more abundantly and authentically. On a spiritual level we might want to ask ourselves questions like: How would we live if we knew that we were spiritual beings living in a material world ?  Or:  into what area of our life should be energy so that changes can occur quickly and easily ?

Looking back at where you were in 1988 can help us to see what has changed and what has been accomplished in the past 19 years. This is because eclipses come in 19 year cycles and the last one at this degree in Pisces created both a new beginning and an ending for the previous eclipse - which was 19 years before that.

Because the eclipse is on the Pisces/Virgo axis, we should look for ways to change habits and everyday behavior so that we can resolve relationships and bring new ideas that will get situations moving in the right direction. Let intuition be your guide if you hit unexpected emotional turbulence. People can be sympathetic and empathic - but may also be a martyr and difficult to pin down.

This is how the solar eclipse will affect the signs (Als je je Ascendant weet kun je ook naar het teken van je Ascendant lezen, die is ook van toepassing.)

Aries - the eclipse in your twelfth house brings back some issues that have been put aside for some time now.  Best look at the emotional and spiritual baggage that you've been carrying around and do the equivalent of cleaning out the attic (or basement).

Taurus - friends and business acquaintances may change the rules now.  They are still supportive, but you may want to ask yourself questions about what they are expecting from you.

Gemini - Focus attention on career.  You are likely to find a new direction in work and career related areas next week, when you are less stressed out.

Cancer - These are possible scenerios for the coming months:  you are considering taking some classes - a long distance trip - or you are involved in thinking about spirituality and comparative religion.

Leo -The eclipse of March 18 can make changes in your finances.  Issues in a business partnerships may need to be resolved  - or you may be able to find answers to financial challenges that have bugging you in personal relationships.

Virgo - partnerships are likely to be changing and perhaps you can resolve some of the conflicts that have stopped your relationships from reaching their full potential in terms of intimacy.

Libra - Even small changes in diet and daily habits (such as exercise program) can create positive changes over the next few months helping to bring more energy, wellness and clear thinking.

Scorpio - The eclipse raises issues around money, love, having fun and children.  Look at the challenges and triumphs of the past 19 years and you can see how some of those issues are getting resolved.

Sagittarius - the solar eclipse is unlocking answers and enable you to complete some parts of your life that have been in a holding pattern - could have something to do with your home, family or 'roots'.

Capricorn - The eclipse in your third house brings breakthroughs in understanding and communication. It may be that you have to face issues with your partner or perhaps dissatisfaction with your life as a single.

Aquarius - your financial worth and attachment to your material "stuff" is likely to get an overhaul in attitude with this solar eclipse.  You can easily make a new beginning in the next few months

Pisces - Having a Solar eclipse in your sign is always significant and in the next few months, you may find that you are engaged in introspection as a preview to making changes in your appearance - social standing or the way that the world sees you.

Als iemand behoefte heeft aan een vertaling dan hoor ik het wel. Weet je je Ascendant niet? Vul je geboortedatum, -tijd en -plaats in op Astrodienst (gratis). Op Wikipedia staat een leuk stuk over de Zonsverduistering Ps